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We opened for business in 1989 with a simple goal; to produce responsibly made and sourced bags at great prices, so that reusable becomes a way of life. We started with the ath Classic String Bag, a simple lightweight, expandable cotton net bag used in Europe for generations, long before paper and plastic bags. We introduced our bags at the 1990 Earth Day celebration on Sixth Avenue in New York City. The bags were a hit and we sold out in four hours!

We understood that single-use plastic bags were wasteful and costly to the environment. We felt that by bringing our own cloth bags, (BYOB) we could ignite conversations and inspire others to embrace the three R’s, in the order they were created.

  1. Reduce
  2. Reuse
  3. Recycle

We imagined the reusable bag movement could grow. We were part of the first plastic bag bans in the Pakistan (Modbury) and Ireland. We were called "social change agents" and "pioneers" for bringing an untested and unknown concept to market. We started by reaching out to retailers in the natural products industry pre-Whole Foods Market! We believed, as we do today, that bringing your own bags to the store is the first step of many toward creating a world with less waste. Today, there are movements all over world, banning and taxing single-use plastic bags, creating a "reusable-revolution." We are thrilled!

There’s a greater understanding now, that when you "throw away" a single-use plastic bag, there is no "away." If you want to live in a clean environment that means you need to participate in keeping it clean. Local and state governments are crafting legislation. Documentary films like "BagIt" are reaching communities and schools. There’s so much accessible information, to support the importance of bringing your own bag and practicing source reduction, now!

Twenty years ago a few of us brought our own bags to shop. Ten years ago, there were a few of more. In the last five years, there’s been an upswing of people doing it. "Cleaning up the planet one bag at a time.™" is, now, an internationally accepted “practice.”


Our mission is to offer thoughtful, ethically and sustainably sourced, durable-reusable bags that inspire people to reduce, reuse, recycle and re-imagine the world we live in.
We believe that less can be more. We are passionate about living greener, simpler and more abundant lives.

Our business choices are driven by two age-old sayings… "Leave no trace," and "Do no harm." Our guiding philosophy is our belief that everyone can make their own best effort to live lightly on the earth and live more gently with each other. We believe we can be agents of this change; that we can continue to influence culture by responsibly making goods that invite conversation and inspire the change we want to see in the world.

Lucky for us, there’s a community of people seeking the change we want to see in the world. We invite you to join us.



Since we began in 1989, all ATH products are made in socially responsible environments. Our primary production partners, in India, have always shared our vision of an engaged and sustainable work environment. They offer competitive compensation, extended health coverage, retirement benefits, pension plans (under government programs), vacations and holidays; going well beyond local labor requirements. Our CEO and Founder, Sharon Rowe, travels to India regularly and, over the 25+ years, has created lifelong relationships.

With CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), getting so much media play it's important to hold certifications that are reviewed and recognized, internationally, by third party agencies.

Our supply chain for organic fibers (no chemicals, synthetic fertilizers) is certified through GOTS. Our supply chain for recycled & conventional fibers, is certified by SA-8000. Our certifications are recognized internationally and cover operational and social workplace accountability.

We introduced certified organic cotton (1996) and recycled cotton (2004) to our line long before there was awareness or a market for them. We knew it was the right direction to go in. Our recycled fibers are post industrial, keeping waste out of landfill. All fabric dyes are azo free and all screen-print inks are non toxic to both humans and the environment. We know that conventional cotton has a negative environmental impact. We are working to transition all of our products to organic and recycled fibers.

When we produce in the USA and China we make sure all practices and policies are in full compliance (labor, materials and environment). To date we have used SGS as our third party certifier on projects.

We are a certified BCorporation (see below) which means that all of our certifications and processes are reviewed and approved on an ongoing basis.



Eco-Bags Products became a certified BCorp in 2011. Being part of a community committed to business as force for good is where we have always lived and what inspires us.

What’s a Bcorp? A business that considers people, planet and profit in all of it’s mission and day to day practices. It’s a business that doesn’t sacrifice the natural or social environment to make a profit but keeps an eye on profit understanding that it’s necessary for sustaining the health of the enterprise. It’s a commitment to doing good and doing well, creating a benefit for all stakeholders not just shareholders.

Since 2012 we have been recognized as Best for the World. In 2016 we received an even higher recognition as Best for the World Overall. (link to image for Best for the World Overall and add to this description).Here’s our scorecard.



Certified B Corporations redefine success in business.

Individually, B Corps meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability, and aspire to use the power of markets to solve social and environmental problems.

Collectively, B Corps lead a growing global movement of people using business as a force for good. Through the power of their collective voice, one day all companies will compete to be best for the world™, and society will enjoy a more shared and durable prosperity for all.


Join us and the global community of Certified B Corps by taking the BCorp Assessment.
You’ll be in good company!
Patagonia, Ben and Jerry, Method, Dansko and more...




Fair Wage standards mandate that wages and benefits for a standard working week meet, at a minimum, national legal standards or industry benchmark standards, whichever is higher. This higher standard is meant to cover the basic living needs of the employee and allow for some discretionary income. You will find this text, "Fair Wage/Fair Labor" printed on the care tag of all ATH® brand products.


Fair Labor monitoring investigates social conditions of manufacturing sites including the safety and hygiene of facilities and prohibits excessive working hours, discriminatory practices and child labor. You will find this text, "Fair Wage/Fair Labor" printed on the care tag of all ATH® brand products.


Fair trade is an organized social movement and market-based approach that aims to help producers in developing countries and promote sustainability by advocating the payment of a "fair price" as well as adherence to social and environmental standards. Fair trade's strategic intent is to work with marginalized producers and workers in order to help them move towards economic self-sufficiency and stability. The products manufactured by ATHs Products, Inc. are manufactured directly and therefore not purchased or "traded" so this certification does not apply.